Yoga Offerings


YouTube - FREE ByDianaWilcox Power Yoga

Join Diana anytime and anywhere for her signature high-quality Power flow, Yoga Burn, Workshops, and more. Experience a make-you-sweat practice that incorporates an athletic alignment system that creates balanced mobility and strength on a multidimensional level. Rather than passively stretching muscles, this alignment specifically uses eccentric stretching and dynamic movement to increase muscle length and strength. These classes are intelligently curated to strengthen your body, challenge your edge, and grow your practice. Expect challenging sequences, handstands, peak poses, and playful transitions. Take the full length class for the full experience, or take Warm Up, Sun Salutations, or the Peak Sequence on their own. Now Available on YouTube.

Public Classes

Join Diana at YTX and Yoga Vida 6 days a week! Expect to sweat, challenge yourself, get upside-down, and have fun in the process!